Monday, December 29, 2008

Ode to Family Feud

Since being out of nursing school for the semester, I've been watching daytime tv, which mostly sucks (Jerry Springer, all the "Judge" shows). Especially since I don't have cable. However, there are some good game shows, such as the Family Feud. It does not suck. It ROCKS! And the new host, John O'Hurley, is better than the two previous hosts (Richard Karn and Louie Anderson.) You know O'Hurley as J. Peterman from Seinfeld. And I love Richard Karn and Louie Anderson as actors and comedians, just not as hosts of this show. I also like the idea behind this game show, albeit frustrating sometimes. I'll explain the frustrating part in just a second. So, this show is cool because it takes family teamwork to guess answers given by other people living in America to specific survey questions. Questions like "name something you might wish on" or "what's something you'd hate to see your dog holding in its mouth." I'm usually pretty good at rattling off the answers as I sit eating saltines in my Laz-y-boy. But where it gets hard is when the questions relate to stuff I'm not familiar with like alcoholic beverages or murder. Just kidding about the murder, they never have questions about that. :- ) So, those questions are the ones that stump me. And I'd love to go on the show, but I'm afraid that my family members and I would get those crazy questions and then we'd fail miserably. And forget about the fast money portion at the end. I'd crack under that pressure, for sure. But, maybe someday you will see me and four of my relatives feuding it out for glory. We will see...


Meghan said...

I have two comments. I LOVE Family Feud!!! I seriously want to be on there one day. And John O'hurly is not my favorite, though he has grown on me.

snsheidi said...

too funny Josh. I grew up on Family Feud. The 80s and 90s version of course, not the 70s version with the kissing host. Can you imagine if your family went on the Family Feud with That 70's Guy? It would be like a mix of the That 70's Show and Family Guy in outcome.